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Moving-Lid-Driven Flow Simulation by Finite Difference Method

Submission Number: 153
Submission ID: 3758
Submission UUID: 0bacdc1a-d97a-406d-b540-15128f5d00d9
Submission URI: /form/resource

Created: Thu, 06/01/2023 - 23:40
Completed: Thu, 06/01/2023 - 23:40
Changed: Fri, 03/14/2025 - 11:43

Remote IP address: 2601:840:4380:4c90:aee0:5b06:9923:2dc
Submitted by: Yang Li
Language: English

Is draft: No
Moving-Lid-Driven Flow Simulation by Finite Difference Method
The listed repository contains code written in C++ to model the flow inside a cavity with a lid moving above from left to right by discretizing incompressible N-S equations with finite difference method. For the governing equations, artificial viscosity has been considered to increase the stability. In terms of solving the resulted algebraic equation system, both the Point Jacobi Method and Symmetric Gauss Seidel methods have been used for the iteration process.